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EdTech: What is Blended Learning? [ISTE]

By |Editors' Picks, Education, ISTE 2014|

 By Marisa Sergnese, training and professional development leader at Steelcase Education Steelcase Education believes that pedagogy, technology and space are three key elements of an active learning environment. Just as we all grapple with the ongoing rapid-fire upgrades and updates to our digital devices, new technologies in education also continue to emerge. Consequently, teaching methods [...]

Stop Hurting Your Student’s Eyes, Check Out Polyvision

By |Education, ISTE 2014|

While it may seem like a good idea, using a white board for a projector is actually really bad on the eyes. The glare that comes from most white boards. When white boards are used for projection screens there are often spots that are sometimes referred to as "sun spots" that appear in the middle [...]